Morning Weather
G’day folks! Just a quickie – we’ve heard from Ash in Brisbane that it “looks wet”, so maybe don’t plan any cricket matches up there today!
Meanwhile in Melbourne it’s looking a bit cloudy out but it’s nice and warm. We reckon it’ll be a good one for some TGIF beers later.
We’ll keep you posted if we hear more and remember to check our state forecasts for the weekend outlook!
Lunchtime Updates
Andrea has reported in confirming it’s sunny in Melbourne and that the buses can levitate now. Isn’t modern technology amazing!

Keep those updates coming folks. There’s no better way to know the weather than by looking at it, as far as we can tell!
TGIF Update
Let’s get on the beers, Melbourne! The Bommo is forecasting a large one for this evening. Get on out there.

Meanwhile, we’ve had an update from South Australia! Thanks Josh!
Here in the Adelaide hills it’s been sunny, with a few grey clouds, but over in Hahndorf a few minutes away, it’s bloody pissing down.
How wild is that? This bloody weather stuff doesn’t know what it’s doing sometimes does it? How is anyone supposed to guess what’s coming? It’s a mystery!